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ABC Visual Sheets Bible Verse Bracelets Bible ABC Coloring Coloring Pages Craft Ideas File Folder Games Handwriting Sheets Matching Games |
Air Airplane Apples Apples2 Boats Bugs Butterflies Cats Dogs Elephants Farm Magnets Moon Music Music2 Noel Nativity Picnic Planets Queen Queen2 Safety Shadows Shamrocks Spiders Spring Sunflowers Trains Recycle |
Amazing Airplanes book lesson Autumn is for Apples book lesson Barney Says Play Safely book lesson Can You Hear It? book lesson Dream Snow book lesson Elmer book lesson Grimm's Fairy Tales book lesson I Got Two Dogs book lesson Papa, Please get the Moon for me. book lesson Magnets book lesson My Shadow book lesson Spring is Here book lesson St. Patrick's Day in the Morning book lesson Teddy Bear Picnic book lesson Ten Apples up on Top book lesson The Boat Book book lesson The Itsy Bitsy Spider book lesson The Little Red Hen book lesson The Mixed Up Chameleon book lesson The Three R's book lesson The Tiny Seed book lesson The Very Hungry Caterpillar book lesson There's No Place like Space book lesson Three Little Kittens book lesson Two Little Trains book lesson Queen of Hearts book lesson We Three Kings book lesson Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin book lesson |
Search by Resource You can search our site by the particular resource that you need for your class. Each category has everything we have to offer for that particular resource. |
Bible ABC Coloring ABC Visual Sheets File Folder Games Matching Games Coloring Pages Craft Ideas Bible Verse Bracelets |
Read: "Two Little Trains" by Margaret Wise Brown. Show the children the photo of the railroad crossing sign again. Have they ever thought about where the trains are going? Ask the children to think about some of the things the trains might "see" when travelling from one place to the next. |
Bible Verse Bracelets: Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength." |
Bible Song: "Jesus Loves Me.” For a helpful link with all the lyrics, Click here . |
X is for crucifiX This is a Bible Coloring Page of Jesus by the Cross. X is for the x sound in Crucifix. |
Making Tracks Set up the easels and break out the paint shirts and let your little railroad tycoons "build" tracks to their homes. Let the children try dipping train cars or other toys with wheels into paint, then run them over their papers to make tracks. Encourage the children to think about the things they go past on their way home, and paint "tracks" past those landmarks. Make sure they include an "X" at the end to indicate their home. For example, the children might paint flowers beside one part of their track and a lake by another, or may just end up with a spiral of tracks ending in an "X." Let them decide how to create their maps, and have fun! |